Brittlynn’s 12th week of life was from Feb 21st – Feb 27th which means she turned 12 weeks old on Tuesday Feb 28th. Yes, you read that right. My little BABY turned 12 weeks old!!! It’s flllllying.
Diapers: Britt is back to pooping like all the time! I had to start changing her diaper both right when she gets up then again right when she gets done eating. She poops during every nap and even during the night so she’s constantly sitting in a poop diaper. Not good for her sweet skin! She had her first legit diaper rash this week. It made me realize that Kye never had legit diaper rash because I was WORRIED about how bad Britt’s was but when I texted Robyn a pic of it (I’m so cool…I know…) she said it was just normal diaper rash haha. I started letting Britt “air out” at each diaper change. I did a combo – after she ate I’d take off her diaper then put her on a towel and let her do her tummy time while also airing out the private area. Then I loaded her up hardcore with Aquaphor. It’s what Robyn recommended and it worked WONDERFULLY! So well that we switched to it and use it at each diaper change now (the pediatrician told us it’s fine to use diaper rash cream at each changing to prevent). We have always used Desitin (the purple tube) and had great results with Kye, but each baby is different and (so far) Britt seems to be an Aquaphor girl!
She also enjoys having her diaper changed and LOVES to talk to her mermaid picture above her changing table. Kye was the same way, he’d always talk to this big monkey wall decal we had. It’s cute how they do that! She laughs and laughs with her mermaid friend at each diaper change.
Here‘s a video of her 🙂
Wonder Week: This week Zach was gone skiing in Canada and of course it was another wonder week. The third wonder week falls around 11-12 weeks old. Her little world is getting more organized and she is able to move with purpose. She had some ROUGH naps during this week. One of the nights Kye and I ended up eating in the complete darkness. We had every light turned off (and he closed every door to help…so funny) and we put her in the swing because she just simply wouldn’t stop crying. She didn’t sleep in the swing either but was quiet enough for us to be able to eat.
Cry it Out: I ended up just completely letting her cry it out during naps this week for the first time. If I went in to comfort her she would stop crying but she wouldn’t go back to sleep no matter what I did. I figured if she wasn’t going to sleep either way (thanks to the wonder week!) that she might as well be in her crib rather than me being in there with her (with Kye in tow…who can’t be very quiet for long…). She doesn’t cry it out often and will always stop (even if she’s BAWLING) after about 20 min. I will go in there if her head or body is up against the crib and just move her and leave again. I rarely go in and pick her up at all…and I rarely even have to! Typically she talks/laughs/coos at the start of nap for 10-20 min before falling asleep then will cry mid-nap for 10 min or less then will wake up right at feeding time and fuss a little or just be talking away. I feel like she’s a WAY better napper than Kye ever was because we don’t use a the paci, we started with Babywise much younger, we were hardcore with her, and we do cry it out!
Schedule: Britt’s schedule is the same as Week 11 but since it’s been awhile since I wrote the whole thing it is:
7:00: start the day, change diaper, eat
8:00-8:30: change diaper, get dressed, awake time
8:30-10:30: nap
10:30-11:30: eat
11:30-12:00: change diaper, awake time
12:00-2:00: nap
2:00-3:00: eat
3:00-3:30: change diaper, awake time, alone time with Mommy
3:30-5:00: nap
5:00-6:00: eat
6:00-6:30: change diaper, awake time, family dinner
6:30-8:20: nap
8:20: awake, bath, put pjs on
8:30-9:30: eat, last feeding of day
9:30: put directly to bed after eating
Just in case you’re interested here is Kye’s schedule at almost 3 years old:
7:00: start the day, eat breakfast
8:15: leave for school OR 9:30: roomtime upstairs
10:15: clean up from roomtime
10:30-11:30: movie time while I nurse OR 12:00: pick up from school
12:00: lunch (later if school)
1:00-3:30: nap
6:00 dinner
6:45: bath
7:15: bed
Here is what else Brittlynn was up to during this week:
- I tried to stop giving her the mylicon gas drops at each feeding, but then she was gassy so I had to keep doing them
- She’s starting to drool a lot and even makes some little bubbles, I wouldn’t call them raspberries yet though
- I stopped leaking much milk during feedings so I quit using the Milkies and only use them for the morning feeding since my breasts are SO full then and still leak a good bit. I still think they are a worthwhile purchase as I saved SO much extra milk thanks to them and I’m still getting close to two oz a day just from that first feeding!
- Britt had green colored poop again this week…I thought maybe it was from her shots? Now though I think she’s just got sensitive poop haha. It’s totally normal now so I guess nothing was seriously wrong?
- She’s no longer super eager to eat at each feeding. She’s very happy and content when she wakes up and I don’t have to rush her to the breast.
- When Zach got home she would NOT sleep at ALL and it really was because she had missed him and just wanted to see him. It was adorable and so sweet! He ended up holding her during her nap and she just smiled and smiled at him.
- She sleeps totally solid through the night, never waking early or anything!
- Britt started reaching out to touch me, love it
- I quit using the humidifier after her dr appointment but hardcore use saline spray. I spray each nostril then clean them out with the sucker thingy and it really helps her. She’s SO congested ALL the time!
She had her first boo-boo this week 🙁 I accidentally cut her when I trimmed her nails
The baldness is happening…
This is how I regularly find her in the mornings. Almost completely unswaddled and up against the side of her crib
She splashed for the first time on 2/26. She also cried when it was time to get out of the tub and she peed all over me in the two second walk from her room to the bathroom!
Kye and I spent the majority of Britt’s awake time in her room playing, we’ve started reading stories too which I enjoy!
she is a PRO at tummy time, but still doesn’t roll over anymore
She looks like she’s flexing her muscles in this one!
Here‘s a video of how well she can reach her toys now!
Kye still totally adores her…we have YET to see any jealousy issues (I think that may start up once she’s mobile???)
Kye was worried she was cold 😉
The dogs are much more interested in her now too!
I enjoy this sweet view when doing diaper changes
Kye even helps clean up her puke…he’s always on puke patrol
She is great at holding things and has a strong grip
A lady at Hobby Lobby told me this week that she could see the love in Britt’s eyes when she looks at me. It was such a sweet compliment and I do feel like it’s true. She LOVES to stare at ME and it makes me so happy!
Zach was in Canada skiing this week so I wanted to send him a picture of her to let her know she missed him!
Postpartum Update: I am DONE with postpartum!!! I mentioned last week that the vaca to Jax was EXACTLY what I needed and it so was! After that trip I just feel better about my place in life and like I’m back to myself 🙂 Even though Zach was gone and Britt hit a wonder week, it wasn’t a bad week. I was able to stay positive and not let the bumps in the road get me down. I got back serious on the diet. I drink a TON of water to help stay full and was proud of myself for really sticking to it when usually when Zach’s gone I cheat like crazy (not on him, on my diet haha). I have always loved my children but this week I just really could FEEL that love more than I had since Britt was born. Maybe the hormones were screwing with me? I seriously ADORE my children and when Britt’s awake all I want to do is hold her and cuddle with her and never put her down. Thank goodness for the schedule because otherwise I’d probably spoil this child like crazy!
You can go back and read about Kye’s 12th week here! It’s hilarious to me that at this age Kye drank his first 6 oz bottle while Britt has been drinking 6 oz since she was like 4 weeks old! And how ironic that during this same week I posted a video of Kye talking to his monkey sticker during his diaper change? Reading that post also makes me smile because I talked about how Kye always had multiple sneezes at once. He still does this. If he sneezes he will typically sneeze three times in a row. I remember the first time Brittlynn sneezed. She only sneezed once and it totally caught me off guard and I think of Kye every time she sneezes. It’s a special Kye thing I guess and I appreciate it even more now that it’s something Brittlynn doesn’t do. I do, however, also appreciate that she has WAY more hair than he did at this age!!! Thank goodness!!!!!
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
- What I’m Gifting My Family: 2024 - November 21, 2024
is someone else still helping with taking kye to and from school?
We used Balm-x and then Aquaphor on top to help with diaper rash on our second and our first was a Butt Paste only kiddo. It's funny how different mixes work with different kids! She's so cute!
I love the puke patrol! I can tell you are happier now 🙂