Now that I’m so close to being caught up I can do a What I’m Lovin’ Wednesday post! I love linking up with Jamie and sharing some of the great things happening in my week 🙂
I’m loving the post that the Babywise Mom put up yesterday about raising boys. Our culture tends to say “boys will be boys” and I personally believe we should expect more from our sons. My job as Kye’s mom is to raise him up to be a MAN. Not just a functioning member of society but I want more than that for him…I want him to be the type of man that will make Zach and I proud, will lead his wife and family to Heaven, be the husband and father he is called to be, and will follow God’s will in his life. You can read the post she wrote here – it’s a great one!
I’m loving that Kye is enjoying school (he’s going 3 days a week for 1/2 a day) and that it’s giving me a chance to get SO much done. I’m feeling TONS better about Baby Blitzen arriving in Dec…I feel like I have a good grip on the things I need to accomplish and enough time to get it all done! I feel SO much less stressed when I can mark things off my never-ending list 😉
I’m loving that I just finished reading my first book from my tablet! I read One Day and it was my kind of book…very raw and real. Zach would hate it b/c it was a book just about life, people, and relationships. Although it was darker in some places than I would have really liked, I did enjoy it! I am looking forward to seeing the movie – I love reading a book before seeing the movie but being able to picture the actors in the movie as the characters while I read. Anne Hathaway is a great casting job for sure! I just downloaded my second book from Kindle…The Help!
I’m loving some Cosmic Brownies! I ate two packets (which I guess is like four brownies?!?!) last night and they were mega yummy. Just writing this makes me crave more. I never craved them with my last pregnancy but I’m on a big kick for them right now. Little packets of processed goodness right?
I’m loving that Mom and I had a GREAT girls night just the two of us on Monday! It was SO fun and it’s something we really need to do more often. I see Mom all the time but don’t get that quality mother/daughter time that is very important. I’m especially loving the adorable shirts she helped me learn to make for Kye! I bought more fabric today to make several more!!!
I’m loving that I broke down and joined Pinterest. I resisted for a looooong time because I didn’t want to get addicted to yet another thing on the internet but it really is awesome! Especially for helping Casey plan her wedding, picking out ideas for Blitzen’s nursery, and making a wishlist for Mom and Zach to shop from for me for my birthday and Christmas! I hope to have a cake stand like this one under the tree with my name on it!
I’m loving how pretty it is outside today! While we don’t get legit seasons in South Georgia mornings that feel like fall are so wonderful. I KNOW it won’t be like this for long but it makes me excited to be able to play outside with Kye more and get back to taking walks (although it also makes me think about how much I’ll miss swimming in our pool!).
I’m loving how awesome my husband is! He has been dealing with a lot of “haters” lately and it’s tough to feel like people don’t believe in you or try to say you don’t deserve the success you have. Let me tell you…Zach WORKS HARD!!! He’s successful in his business because he EARNS it!!! While people around him may whisper…he works for a company that rewards and appreciates that hard work. Aflac is AMAZING (and hiring ~ if you need a career change let me know!) and Zach has earned some awesome upgrades for the Hawaii trip they are sending us on! We already get to go to Hawaii for 5 days in October but now we also get special transportation when we arrive, extra spending money, 2 spa treatments, and an extra nights stay! We can’t WAIT!!!! I’m so proud of him 🙂
I’m loving that Zach is also stepping up his game in his new management position. He’s young to already be a manager with Aflac but is doing so great at it. He had a very motivational meeting for his people this week and has brought on two new people onto his team! I’m SO excited for Alex and Jordan on their new career adventures and know they will both be very successful. Jordan’s first real day was Monday and I know Zach is looking forward to working along side his favorite friend! Casey also just started her first year teaching so both of them are off to great starts in their careers.
I’m loving that in less than a month Katie and I will be in LAS VEGAS! We are pumped to attend The Vegas Bash Meet and Greet and get to meet several of our favorite reality stars. Both Wes and Kenny will be there and I’m interested to see if they really don’t like each other in real life or if it’s just for good tv 😉
I’m loving that my favorite Big Brother players EVER are back in the game and are still in it!!! I thought for sure Jeff and Jordan would be gone quick but they are hanging in there and I’m loving every second of it. I wish they’d join the crew in Vegas so we could meet them too…I’d probably die haha
I’m loving that tonight will be my first time EVER teaching a Bible Study Class. Mom and I are going to be teaching the 3 year old class at church. I’m not gonna lie…I’m mega nervous about it. Thankfully they are just 3 so it’s pretty basic stuff and it’s a good opportunity to get involved while also learning myself for things I can teach Kye at home! I’m SO glad Mom will be there with me to help me out, her teaching background will come in handy for sure.
I’m loving this quote…it’s SO true. As a stay at home mom people often assume I have TONS of free time and that I have an easy “job” with little responsibility when in fact, I have a HUGE amount of responsibility on my shoulders – my job IS a job and, in my opinion, it’s one of the most important jobs EVER. I’m so blessed that I am able to stay home with my children and I take it very seriously!
I’m loving that Zach will be home tonight!!! I’ve enjoyed the past two nights having some girl time but Kye and I are starting to reeeeeally miss Daddy. He’s been in Atlanta with Jordan for work stuff and I miss him! With fall around the corner it also means Zach’s busiest travel time of the year which is going to be rough with me only getting more and more pregnant. I’m proud of him for working so diligently to provide for us but family time is my favorite time for sure. Thankfully we should have plenty of that this weekend together 🙂
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
- What I’m Gifting My Family: 2024 - November 21, 2024
I'm loving your post today! Stopping by from WILW…love the post about raising boys and cosmic brownies;) I'm a new follower! Have a happy Wednesday!
I have that EXACT cake stand, and I LOVE it. I change the ribbon out for different occasions, and it always looks fantastic!
Thanks for playing along!Love the cake stand!
Okay, seriously, you and Zach are totally as adorable like Jeff & Jordan!!! Have you ever written a post on how you two met? I love hearing how people met and fell in love. Ahh, the romantic side of me :o)