I’m linking up again this week with Jamie at This Kind of Love to share what I’m loving!
I’m loving that I’ve hit the BIG 100 followers!!! And I’m especially loving the HUGE giveaway I have going on until next Wednesday! Check it out here and enter to win 🙂
I’m loving that for the first time in my cars life (3 years this month) I’m cleaning it out! Vacuuming and everything! Maybe I’ll get lucky and Zach will wash the outside for me since I’m doing so great on the inside 🙂
I’m loving reading The Lincoln Lawyer. It’s SO fun to read a book after the movie comes out because I can visualize the movie characters while reading! After Zach reads it then we’ll see the movie. Water for Elephants
is next on my list (getting to visualize Matthew McConaughey and Robert Pattinson is going to make for fun poolside reads for SURE!).
I’m loving that our washing machine is totally broken. I know that’s a bad thing…but the GOOD thing is I already did ALL the laundry before realizing it’s leaking like crazy so I won’t have to go naked until they come fix it next Friday. Plus a week off of laundry duty ain’t bad right?
I’m loving that I’m hosting TWO parties at my house this Saturday. A baby shower for Ashley Saturday morning and then a birthday party for my sister-in-law, Courtney, Saturday afternoon. We’re expecting over 40 people to be coming through our house that day…better start cleaning huh?
I’m loving when Kye prays. He’s started saying his own prayers now and we let him say whatever he wants. It’s SO precious to hear him say “thanks for mommy” all on HIS own!
I’m loving that after two nights of little sleep with hubby being out of town he’ll be HOME tonight. That means more sleep for me and but also less yummy Frappes to get me through the day…
I’m loving that I won a blog giveaway! I won ad space on Chrissy’s blog for the month of April!!! Be sure to check it out here. I feel so famous haha.
I’m loving this site where you can check the popularity of ANY name ANY year. I’m especially loving that neither Candler or Kye have EVER been in the top 1000 most popular names and that our girl name hasn’t been either. More great news is that Emily has finally dropped out of the Top 5…for now!
I’m loving that tonight is SURVIVOR and can’t wait to take a break from house cleaning and baby shower preparing to watch it with my man (we are TOTALLY Team Matt!).
I’m loving that Kye is napping in a “big boy bed” right now and has been doing AWESOME with it since Sunday…can’t wait for his actual furniture to arrive TOMORROW!!!
I’m loving the NEW summer items added to Stella and Dot’s collection!!! I can’t WAIT to get my hands on this Toujours Necklace and matching earrings 🙂
I love Wednesdays because I get to see what all of YOU are loving too!!!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025