I saw that Danielle started doing this each week and I like the idea of taking a moment to just be THANKFUL. I’m guilty of seeing the negative and getting bogged down with the stresses of life. It’s hard to always remember to LOVE life and appreciate each moment we’re given. SO, I thought I’d try to start doing this as well. Why not take a few minutes each week and just find the GOOD? Maybe it’ll help make me a more positive person 🙂 We shall see! If you want to join in be sure to visit This Kind Of Love where you can link up your entry and see what everyone else is loving!
I’m loving this weather. Kye and I walked to the park this morning and I NEVER wanted to come inside. Can it please stay like this forever? (or at least until after Saturday for Kye’s party…)
I’m loving that I’m finished making the chocolate candy favors for the big party (and that I’ll never be making them again)
I’m loving that Zach got an email filled with details on our BERMUDA trip coming up in May!
I’m loving how adorable these socks (from The Children’s Place) are going to be on Kye this spring
I’m loving that out of the blue a lady who works at my eye doctor (where they call me “Lucky Panties Girl”…don’t ask…) called me and booked a Stella and Dot trunk show for April!
I’m loving that tonight is Feeding the Flock at church so that means we get to fellowship with our church family (and that I don’t have to cook)
I’m loving that Sadie got a fresh haircut so she no longer looks like this (added bonus? She doesn’t stink up the house!)
I’m loving that so many people are coming to show Kye some love for his big birthday party on Saturday (and I’m nervous about how 15 kids will do in our house…)
I’m loving that after the search for James Eunich at Ocean Pond, our community is coming together to raise money for diver suits and that we are hoping to sponsor a garage sale on March 26th to help raise funds! (you can learn more here)
I’m loving that in 2 days my sweet boy turns TWO and that I’m on the verge of finishing the photo slide show for his party (here’s a sneak peak at one of my favorite pics of him from this past year)
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025