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I love love LOVE that my mom held onto SO many of my little baby clothes so now Britt can wear them all 🙂 I know so many of us moms get rid of so much of our kids clothes…but it IS good to pack away some of our favorite pieces. Your grand-babies will someday get to wear them!!! 🙂
I guess my parents had some professional photos taken of me in a Christmas dress before my 2nd Christmas (so I was a little over a year old in these). Mom packed the dress away and brought it back out for me when Britt was born. It was still in GREAT shape!!! Here are my pics in the dress:
Of course I thought it’d be fun to put Britt in the dress and get some photos of her in a similar rocking chair. I think my mom still actually has that exact chair at her house but I have one that was at Nana’s house which is super awesome too 🙂 I love things that have meaning and memories!
Here are my attempts at getting a photo of Britt!
I was really shocked at how CUTE the dress is!!! Seriously…she could have rocked this for our Christmas photos and no one would have ever known that she’s wearing a dress that is 27 years old!
She was more interested in climbing in and out of the chair over and over again 😉
She LOVED all the ornaments on our tree
This skull one from our Cancun trip was her favorite so I let her hold it
Trying to sneak another ornament to play with 😉
Zach said he sees similarities in Britt and I in our matching dresses…I was SO much chunkier than her though that it’s hard for me to see it! I’d love to know the story behind HOW they captured the shots of me! I didn’t have much luck getting Brittlynn to SIT STILL haha!!!
Who do you think wore it best? 😉
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
This is soooo adorable! And it really is kind of in style!