Day 4 was the last of Zach’s birthday celebrations! When I decided to have golf as part of the trip I knew I wanted to find a super night, top-rated course for him to get to experience. I did some research and so many of them are private courses. I called one, Reunion, and the golf pro was SO NICE and told me they did a member exchange with other courses. I talked to Mr. Rusty about it and he got our golf pro to talk to the Reunion one and they did an exchange so the guys could play there. I knew Zach would be super excited to play at a new course, especially such a nice one!
What surprised me was that ZACH asked about taking KYE with him! I thought that was so super sweet! He wanted to have that father-son experience be part of his birthday celebration. Of course Kye was thrilled to get to go! They had to leave first thing that morning so they ate breakfast in the car and would be back around lunch time so the timing was great too!
I got to soak up some baby snuggles after she had her first feeding of the day. There is NOTHING sweeter than a naked cuddly baby 🙂
We had a super chill girl morning! Britt, Mrs. Charlotte, Tess and I just hung out in the condo for awhile. I knew I was going to pump a bottle for Tess’s 10:00 feeding so Mrs. Charlotte waited until 9 ish to take Britt to the pool!
The golf course was awesome and the guys had an amazing morning!
Britt enjoyed the one-on-one time. She is such a delightful child when it’s JUST her! When she’s with Kye she turns into that “annoying little sister” mode and it’s frustrating. But solo? She’s a pure joy!
Bottle by the pool time!!!
I love watching Britt and Mrs. Charlotte together. My kids are so blessed to have her!
Britt was having a ball in the pool with her new friend. He was 10 years old and from Venezuela. The culture is very very hands on and loving. Mrs. Charlotte did not like him being all over Britt haha. It was pretty funny because he kept trying to help her swim and kept holding her and everything! I sent Zach a picture of them and told him Britt has her first boyfriend 😉 He was truly just being sweet though and he had two younger brothers so I think he was just used to being very helpful with them and naturally helped with her too.
Girl Time!
Once Tess was down for her nap Britt and I went on a walk before lunch to go get some needed things for the condo. Trash bags and such!
Once the guys got back at lunch time Mrs. Charlotte and Mr. Rusty hit the road. Mrs. Charlotte called and said she had LOST her wedding band! OMG I was so, so worried and searched everywhere for it. Thankfully she found it: she had left it at the hotel on the beach where they had stayed before coming to see us. Whew! I’m so thankful they were able to come down and appreciate Mrs Charlotte SO much!
Everyone had naps (and by everyone I mean all five of us!) and then Zach took the big kids to the activity center to do crafts while I nursed Tess. I LOVE staying at resorts with activity centers but this one had such odd timings for everything. This was the only craft that really worked out for our timing!
Daddy did so good taking lots of pics 🙂
I hate that I wasn’t able to do a lot of the fun stuff with Kye and Britt but what was most important to me was that they had FUN even if it was without me!
It was surprising that Britt picked the elephant. Zach said Kye chose first and picked the fish…normal Britt would choose whatever Kye picked so it’s nice to see her becoming her own person!
For dinner I had put our favorite travel meal in the crock pot: cube steak duh! We love to have a big feast on trips and our favorite treat is hawaiian rolls haha. We live on the wild side, right?!?!
After I fed Tess at 6 we did something crazy. The resort offered a magic show that night at 7 so I paid for our tickets and figured since Tess barely ever slept for that cat nap anyway…why not go do something fun as a family? None of us had ever been to a legit magic show before and I thought Tess would just sleep in my arms during it! The big kids were excited and I was pumped to have a fun family outing 🙂
They gave us popcorn for the show!
When we got there we were the ONLY people at the show. Pretty hilarious. We felt bad for the poor magician but he seemed to enjoy it all the same and gave the kids a lot of special attention. He was an interesting dude (I mean he’s a magician…so that shouldn’t come as a shocker that he’d be a little different haha). But it was nice that he talked about God and talked about how magic is just using the imagination. It was clear that he was very passionate about his craft which I always admire!
He kicked things off with balloon creations…Britt, of course, asked for a crocodile
He made her a crocodile hat!
A big benefit of being the only people at the show was that the kids got to be the helpers throughout the whole thing. They were both in AWE of it and really so were Zach and I! It was a very fun experience!
Kye had to tear this tissue into several pieces
(Props to Zach for taking so many pics for me since I was busy holding a baby!)
And he got to use the magic wand!
After the wand…the tissue was back together again!
Britt had to put several separate pieces of rope into a bag
And then pull the rope and they were all magically back to being one long piece again!
The room where the show was held was HOT. And the sun was beating right into Tess’s face. We were able to close some shutters and I walked around with her a bit and she eventually fell asleep and slept great the whole show! I LOVED getting to hold her to sleep. It’s something I very, very rarely get to do with my babies because I’m such a big believer in sleep training! It was an experience that I truly cherished! Britt was also so cute b/c she was holding her baby to sleep too 😉
Kye’s favorite trick was one with these coins…I mean it should have been his favorite since he already had experience making coins disappear…
A lot of these are blurry but I just love his expressions. I can HEAR his laughter and excitement when I look at these!
Britt’s favorite trick was the ball trick. She still talks about how she held a ball in her hands and rubbed it together and how it turned into two balls!
The show lasted about an hour which was perfect timing since Tess ate again at 8 and the big kids needed to go to bed for the night. We all had a GREAT time at the show and really, really enjoyed it! The magician asked if we wanted pictures with him haha. It was so funny but you know I took him up on it 😉
The magic show was the PERFECT family activity! I’m so glad we had some time on the trip for just our little family together and I truly enjoyed it so much! One day left of the fun vaca!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025